p/s : shen yi!!i'll try to seludup you masuk backstage if u cant work at the same place as us.no worries k. :)
hugging with him under a dim light, the warm feeling surrounds the atmosphere, that is how love felt like ♥
hugging with him under a dim light, the warm feeling surrounds the atmosphere, that is how love felt like ♥
yucker i hate skinny people although i am one. OMG i hate myself.
Disrespect for the elderly by working on the prayers day! HAHA! YAYA will be thinking, "sui lui pao"
beat..why not upload the one u sesat one..haha...CANT Wait for it to come..anyway, be prepared to get scolded 2mr ^^ haha
beat..why not upload the one u sesat one..haha...CANT Wait for it to come..anyway, be prepared to get scolded 2mr ^^ haha
yewchong : haha..dont lah go hating urself.ur FINE!!ur lucky that ur a guy instead of a girl.lolz...girls who's skinny is pretty fugly.hahaha
daniel : i dont mean to work on the prayers d okay.it's juz tht i did not rmb or anyone reminded me bout the day.and plus,this working thingy was a last min ones.and i've got to make decision pretty quick.so yea, grandad will understand me.i know he would :)
anonymous : err..who's this?to be scolded when i've done ntg wrong? O____o
CRz :D well..juz be prepared la..first day sure will sesat abit wan ma...hmm..anyway...i m waiting for a NEW POST of urs ^^ hehehe
crz : it's you arr..lolz..wont want lah.must have confidence mah.i aint gonna get scolding.neva!!lolz..:p..my new post is up.but m waiting for more pics loh.
yucker i hate skinny people although i am one. OMG i hate myself.
Disrespect for the elderly by working on the prayers day! HAHA! YAYA will be thinking, "sui lui pao"
beat..why not upload the one u sesat one..haha...CANT Wait for it to come..anyway, be prepared to get scolded 2mr ^^ haha
beat..why not upload the one u sesat one..haha...CANT Wait for it to come..anyway, be prepared to get scolded 2mr ^^ haha
yewchong : haha..dont lah go hating urself.ur FINE!!ur lucky that ur a guy instead of a girl.lolz...girls who's skinny is pretty fugly.hahaha
daniel : i dont mean to work on the prayers d okay.it's juz tht i did not rmb or anyone reminded me bout the day.and plus,this working thingy was a last min ones.and i've got to make decision pretty quick.so yea, grandad will understand me.i know he would :)
anonymous : err..who's this?to be scolded when i've done ntg wrong? O____o
CRz :D well..juz be prepared la..first day sure will sesat abit wan ma...hmm..anyway...i m waiting for a NEW POST of urs ^^ hehehe
crz : it's you arr..lolz..wont want lah.must have confidence mah.i aint gonna get scolding.neva!!lolz..:p..my new post is up.but m waiting for more pics loh.
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