
yesyes,i've noticed that i've been posting emo-ish post recently.i guess it's the emo-ing season,which really gets into my nerves lately.cant help it.from this day onwards,i shall release my frus and anger in my blog.all these bad emotions will lead me into emo-ing mood which i hate so much,and it's wasting every minute of my life.say NO to emo!! :)
being a Christian is aint easy when ppl will read your blog and see what you write bout and you'll be judged.m trying real hard not to post things up which really gets into me but i failed to do so this time bcoz in a short while, u'll be able to read it.heyy man,m not a perfect person heh..i cant be the GOOD ones ALL TIME and just ignore things that really makes me go on FIRE!!
(the 'you' in this post, refers to YOU and everyone who did these to me.tq)


let me juz burst out in flames.i really dont like people talking bout what i can do or i cannot be honest,yes,i'm a pretty sensitive dont see me burst out bcoz m being patient, because at the end of the day,arguing will lead to nothing and we'll look awkward when we meet. being patient is not easy AT ALL. if you think what i've done is wrong,please do let me know. EXPLAIN it to me to clearly.leave no misunderstanding between. BUT when i do nothing wrong, illegal, having fun (the right way) and just being myself, please DO NOT tell me what i've done is right or wrong.

and you!!yes YOU!!! you dont like me is it?trying to be nice and innocent infront of me at the same time showing ur dislike-ness towards me ar?damn.i really hate this kinda people man.having a friend like YOU is so pathetic lah.i dont even feel like mixing with makes me feel so polluted. you said that my matches of clothes doenst seem right and nice while others were liking it ( i was told k.not making it up).like wth!! even my mama and other friends has better taste than you in dressing yea, please go and get a fashion consultant lah.u SUCKS in dressing up.dont go telling me what i should wear and what not to.not to mention that you've lied to me numerous times and i've found it out through other've got busted!!you're a PATHETIC beach!!!bahh!!WHAT KINDA FRIEND ARE YOU??!!m gonna pity you bcoz ur such a fool to come and mess with me.mark my words,okay!!LIAR!!

m so fed-up with people who likes to let THE WHOLE WORLD KNOW that you're busy. if you're busy then just SAY so. dont go showing faces all and yelling at people. eh,u think you very big arr. ur just lucky you have not met people who cannot tolerate your style.or else, you'll mampus habis-habis. you juz wait lah,if it happens again, ur so dead meat.this i tell you bcoz m not gonna let you go off this time. i'll shoot it right into your face. dont believe?try me lahhh. you hit the right button can d.and u'll be instantly FRIED!!
just so you patience has its limits man. you mess with me and i'll mess you up.i'm enough of being the quiet and patient ones. Enough is,byebye.*shakes backside*
ok,m feeling much better after vomitting the anger out.but keep in mind on everything tht i've said bcoz i'm serious.tataz :)
and oh,juz bcoz i dont visit your blog (which is totally untrue),you dont wanan visit's fine with me.dont read my blog then :)
pray for me aight my friends :)
this post has been written by Beatrice Lee who's filled with please pardon her :)
tc & God bless aight!!


Anonymous said...

so who's the bitch? hahahahaha

beatrice lee said...

the bitch is someone that u dont knw.lolz..and she's a human.hahahha

Friday, April 18, 2008


Posted by beatrice lee at Friday, April 18, 2008
yesyes,i've noticed that i've been posting emo-ish post recently.i guess it's the emo-ing season,which really gets into my nerves lately.cant help it.from this day onwards,i shall release my frus and anger in my blog.all these bad emotions will lead me into emo-ing mood which i hate so much,and it's wasting every minute of my life.say NO to emo!! :)
being a Christian is aint easy when ppl will read your blog and see what you write bout and you'll be judged.m trying real hard not to post things up which really gets into me but i failed to do so this time bcoz in a short while, u'll be able to read it.heyy man,m not a perfect person heh..i cant be the GOOD ones ALL TIME and just ignore things that really makes me go on FIRE!!
(the 'you' in this post, refers to YOU and everyone who did these to me.tq)


let me juz burst out in flames.i really dont like people talking bout what i can do or i cannot be honest,yes,i'm a pretty sensitive dont see me burst out bcoz m being patient, because at the end of the day,arguing will lead to nothing and we'll look awkward when we meet. being patient is not easy AT ALL. if you think what i've done is wrong,please do let me know. EXPLAIN it to me to clearly.leave no misunderstanding between. BUT when i do nothing wrong, illegal, having fun (the right way) and just being myself, please DO NOT tell me what i've done is right or wrong.

and you!!yes YOU!!! you dont like me is it?trying to be nice and innocent infront of me at the same time showing ur dislike-ness towards me ar?damn.i really hate this kinda people man.having a friend like YOU is so pathetic lah.i dont even feel like mixing with makes me feel so polluted. you said that my matches of clothes doenst seem right and nice while others were liking it ( i was told k.not making it up).like wth!! even my mama and other friends has better taste than you in dressing yea, please go and get a fashion consultant lah.u SUCKS in dressing up.dont go telling me what i should wear and what not to.not to mention that you've lied to me numerous times and i've found it out through other've got busted!!you're a PATHETIC beach!!!bahh!!WHAT KINDA FRIEND ARE YOU??!!m gonna pity you bcoz ur such a fool to come and mess with me.mark my words,okay!!LIAR!!

m so fed-up with people who likes to let THE WHOLE WORLD KNOW that you're busy. if you're busy then just SAY so. dont go showing faces all and yelling at people. eh,u think you very big arr. ur just lucky you have not met people who cannot tolerate your style.or else, you'll mampus habis-habis. you juz wait lah,if it happens again, ur so dead meat.this i tell you bcoz m not gonna let you go off this time. i'll shoot it right into your face. dont believe?try me lahhh. you hit the right button can d.and u'll be instantly FRIED!!
just so you patience has its limits man. you mess with me and i'll mess you up.i'm enough of being the quiet and patient ones. Enough is,byebye.*shakes backside*
ok,m feeling much better after vomitting the anger out.but keep in mind on everything tht i've said bcoz i'm serious.tataz :)
and oh,juz bcoz i dont visit your blog (which is totally untrue),you dont wanan visit's fine with me.dont read my blog then :)
pray for me aight my friends :)
this post has been written by Beatrice Lee who's filled with please pardon her :)
tc & God bless aight!!

2 comments on "Combustion"

Anonymous said...

so who's the bitch? hahahahaha

beatrice lee on April 21, 2008 at 5:42 PM said...

the bitch is someone that u dont knw.lolz..and she's a human.hahahha