my life has been fucked upside down and inside out by my parents. damn it! fuck my bloody fucking leg.

i'm fucked. leave me alone. bye

you are....

I would hug you even you dont smell good when you sweat.
I would kiss you tho your mouth taste like durian.
I will always smile when you say I love you.
You are my darling no matter what =)

okay,stomach pain now.wanna go toilet ^^

hahahahh.laugh larrr

I dont know why but somehow i'm feeling superb uncomfortable right now. It's like I'm really really tired and I could just fall asleep for hours. My head's heavy but no, there's no headache. Stomach is making me uncomfortable as well. It's as if it is killing the walls of my stomach with asid after I took the antibiotic before meals. Well, that's why the pharmacist prescribed me. "Eat your antibiotic before meal, 2 biji 3 times a day". And now, it makes me wanna cry because it's so torturing. What a fool can! I am so gonna ignore what the pharmacist said and continue my medication after meals! gahh!!

And ohoh, my monkeys came yesterday.hahahha! my adorable friends I mean ^^ we went mamak and well, eat until that we're about to burst at anytime @@ Thanks to Jon who actually spent us all =) *aiya,should have ordered more* hahahha xD

After that hor!!! AFTER THAT!!!goodness, we just had to watch this Thai horror movie entitled Coming Soon -_-lolx. dahlah off my room light until so dark, I then screamed the hell out for numerous of time T_T but but but, these monkeys still insist then we finish watching it. Oh dear, I tell you, before I sleep, I even think about it man. Like ZOMG!!

Seriously, I couldnt ask for more friends when I've got you guys already. I cant find another better guy like my darling too! hehe..I love you monkeyssssss.xoxo!!mwah!! xD

Cradled Me

Listening to the playlist in my blog, it brought me into deeper thoughts of so many things. It drowns me into a very deep blue sea. Every note that the music plays, reminded me of the feeling of being happy, sad, depressed and joy. I could imagine myself sitting on a chair and playing these songs over and over again in a very huge room. Just the piano and I. It gave me a very soothing sensation that comes with a peaceful mind. Oh m not gonna change the music in my playlist very soon. When I've had a sleepless night, these babies are the one who pushes my cradle until I fall asleep. You know, I've longed to have this kinda feeling and I'm glad that when I'm listening to these songs, I've finally found it =)

I love you darling.muacks!! xoxo

I'm part of Trasformers, Technically xD

So here is what I will be wearing for another 6 weeks. Yes, it is heavy and square-ish. This, look so much like a transformer's foot. But well,mine can be taken off at anytime I want when I'm not walking around shooting bullets into someone's brain.LOL

Let me introduce you to my new boot. The Venture Air Walker that cost about RM 389 *gasp*. My parents have to buy this for me as there are no other choice. I cant be wearing the plaster or the other option which is fiberglass as I've got a superb allergy skin.So, no plaster or fiberglass! For the past one week of wearing the plaster, guess what, I've got back my rash again that produced some kinda liquid when you scratch it. When the liquid is spread or rub on any part of your body, that area will be itchy and you'll get rash on that area too.dang right?oh yes. I've gone thru once in high school but I aint wanna go thru it NOW! But basically, my skin is getting better already as I apply the skin area with yellow lotion known as iodin and some antibiotic cream with lastly, powder ^^

Inside the boot, it has one later of air bag pumped with air to hold on to the ankle.

There, this is how the whole thingy look like.
No worries, you're gonna see it with your own eyes when my semester reopen =)

Hope for a fast recovery ^^
toodles peeps


I love Hyenas because when they do their "laughing" sound, it makes me laugh even louder. And of course, it looks weird when they "laugh" rofl. You'll see...

Hyenas live in a female dominated society and they are the most masculine females in the animal kingdom. They have very high levels of hormones that are usually found in the males. And hor, this is the best part I tell you.LOL.. many female hyenas have enlarged clitoris, to the point of looking like a penis -_-. My goodness!! The female hyena urinates, mates and gives birth through this modified clitoris (it is inverted for mating).

So guys, interested??bahahahhaha xD messing :P

Fish in your penis

Seriously people, remember this everytime okay when you head to rivers or waterfall areas, DO NOT!! I repeat DO NOT PEE in the water as our dear little friend is attracted by the urine smell and thus, crawls into your penis or vagina. It however, may insert itself to your private part and uses its mouth for feeding by sucking the blood.

eh wait wait!!for females right,i THINK we got a solution. WEAR a pad.hahahaha
for male lerh,hmmm,wear a plastic thingy where baseball players have to wear it to protect their penis one.nehh.the white colour thingy. It might help.LOL.or wear superb tight swimming trunks.

CAUTION : removal of this dear little friend is very hard and if it is not treated, you can bid farewell to your pet pet or kukubird d. *ouch*

Here's a picture of a Candiru fish aka toothpick fish, the most feared fish in rivers (only freshwater hor)

Ear Creature


People!!Have you ever heard of a creature that is dark and long and flat on both sides which crawls into your ears and lay eggs and build tunnel in your ear?? *goosebump* &&& it has two penises!! The other penis is just for incase if the other snap off.goodness gracious!!I can faint by just typing this post @@ disgusting larrrrrrrr...

Here's a picture of an EARWIG *faints*

if I wasnt selfish. IT would not had happened at all. i am sorry...

More than that =)

I regret having this injury. Nevertheless, it has taught me so many things regarding bout life. Technically, I was giving up on the 2nd day I had the cement on. But I learnt that giving up is not gonna get me anywhere. Now, I felt so much better bout having a cemented leg despite that I feel trapped. That's all! Soon,it will recover and I will be able to walk again. As I am outside of my house,being able to see children or anyone that is able to walk and run,somehow made me feel jeolous and I've juz gotta appreciate what I've got now. Which is a pair of perfect legs!! Imagining adults and especially kids who doesnt have a pair of legs, make me feel what I am feeling on the 2nd day of cemented leg is NOTHING at all compare to these imperfect or legless people. True enough, I've gained more experieced for having my leg injured.

Besides that, I too, knew who will be there for me during my injury and who's not. When I was injured, these people came to me asking how I felt and all. That I have to put my leg this position that position to lessen the swell. Thank you tho. But after that, it's news-less. Nobody actually cares but only 1 of them. He asked me how did my ankle went in msn for so many times and you know what, I'm grateful for having such friend. Someone that I can place my trust on. Unlike others, they just care for what's happening in the present.Not future.

And as for my parents, oh well, I kena lecturing of course, until today it lasted. It's gonna continue until i'm able to walk again.gah!! On the other hand, I'm thankful too for having Brendan who help me out most of the time. Carrying my lappy for me up and down everyday. Getting me a glass of water. Keeping the clothes that I've folded. He was there for me when my ankle went kejang and massage my leg for me. He practically is my legs for now. He is such a giver and never ask anything in return. And I felt really lucky to have such brother. So in return, I never hesitate to allow him to use my lappy whenever he wants when he finished up his homework, because my mum forbid him from touching the pc as his exam is near.

Darling, has been there for me mentally throughout the 1st four days of my cemented leg. Until yesterday, he practically does everything for me when he's here to accompany me. I dont think I could ask for more than what I've got now. This injury made me realized so many things that I didnt before.

I shall sign off now.toodles everyone!and have a great saturday ^^

Paint My Love

We ARE real =)
*juz look at the picture and move on to the reading ok!and dont laugh!!*

Come here, COME HERE!!I tell you hor!!open your big fat ears and listen okay!!listen hor!!!

I was actually messing with you juz now geh.Isnt it obvious?if it's not,i'm really then, A GOOD ACTRESS LARRRR ^^

I NEVER THINK THAT YOU ARE FAKE.same goes to YOUR LOVE!!like seriously,never lor.

YOU BETTER BLOODY REMEMBER THAT OKAY!! if not i'll slap you upside down and gong ur head against mine.hahahah

Forever it will be.

and I've been a good girl. I ate the bitter guard that you scooped for me today eventho I hate it.see,SO good right?? I think I should be praise lor xD blek

and hoi!!you owed me my 5 bucks wey!!gimme back or i chop off some parts of your body!!lolx..OR i'll keep bugging you for my ice-cream.wooo!!!

and darl,thanks for coming down today to take care of it!!muacksie ^^

Day 4

Day 4 and still, *breathe in* *breath out*, alive -_+

okay,today is superb unproductive. Where else the rest is having fun and basically, their life is so happening. Afraid not!my life is too happening. Let me tell you guys what happened today.

Woke up,oooo, I've washed my hair 1st and it bloody felt so good can ^^ hmm,besides that, bathed my dog in the sink.oh yes,in the sink and I've got myself wet!

...........,basically nothing much really happened. The rest of the time I used up to watch tv or sleep.haiz,bloody pathetic.bah!

I guess Harry Potter this year would be watched at home T_T screw it,anything lar. M looking forward for 31st this month cause I is going to visit BR.woot!

All I have now is my doggie to accompany me.and he smelled good!! boy xD

To all of yea who's watching HP tonight, have fun hor!!and please, dont be a movie spoiler alrite.LOL

Guide to survivor for cemented leg.

Allright people!I know I've been MIA for well,few days because of some breakdown.haha!nahh,kidding.

Well,I've got a cemented leg dued to some bone fractured on my right toe because of playing sports. Basically,it's juz a fracture but it can pretty serious if you dont take care of it. The 1st doctor that I went to, have to seek another doctor to confirm what's wrong with my ankle and she bloody told me that my toe is broken. FAIL!! like seriously,BROKEN AND FRACTURE is different lar okay.omgsh!she gave me a heart attack and i juz went gaga.stupid woman.

Anyhoos, I've survived the first 3 days with my cemented leg.hopefully I can pull it off for another like 11 days wtm.shit man!crutches for one bloody month.damn it!!

Okay,let me tell how I survived these 3 days.and i'm already half dead.bah!!

I wake up in the morning everyday, I hop to the toilet and clean myself up.NOTE : I cannot bathe or else i'll wet the cement and my leg will get bloody itchy as it is already a little T_T.. I used a small hankerchief and soak it in the sink. Pour some body shampoo it in. AWW,it smells good! then, take up the hankerchief and squeeze. DO NOT squeeze until dry dry lar. later cannot clean the body one. After you wipe all parts of your body,use the same hankerchief and rinse it in a clean water then clean your whole body lor.ARGH!!damn sanfu okay! T_T nvm,then after that hor,wipe your body dry with a towel. Apply some fragrance powder on your whole body so that it smells good *smell ownself*. And TADAA!!you are clean!!plus if you wanna wash your hair, wash it in a sink.much easier and clean too!

*smell ownself again* *faints* *I smell good T_T* ^^

so yea,3 days and still counting.hopefully after 2 weeks, I dont need to wear cemented plaster. It's heavy and itchy and no signature yet.hahahahaha xD

Living like this is aint easy. It's not hard but it is surely very troublesome.Hopping around hurts my left leg alot as it is carrying my body weight. Well, at least I've learnt my lesson on what to put as my priority. Though I know this kinda accident is unpredictable but well, the cause can be avoided certainly =)

I love you darling.muaxx!!

Stick with you

you said you're gonna call.I thought you're gonna call....*waiting*

i aint sleeping yet because I was waiting...

oh last,goodnight....with love =)

currently superb in love with Pussycat Dolls - stickwitu.

current mobile status - creditless.

p/s : to guest, I love you too ^^

Edit: yay!!darling called me.I IS SO HAPPY CAN :D but i was already half asleep jor.nahh,it still counts.muaxxie!and lovey u.hhehe

on the other note,shit man,i'm going for a x-ray in a few moment.dang! this is aint getting better at all. I'm seriously terrified. Hopefully it's juz a norm swell and i'll be very thankful.

You make me wanna

cute girl, Dino & Will Ferrer in action *gasp*

His strong firmed hands wrapped around me = let me feel so secured.
His beautiful lips = makes me fall into his arms over and over again.
His smell = draws me closer to him everyday.
His laughter = makes me laugh even louder everytime.
His touch = makes me feel so warm and cosy.
His stubborn-ness = makes me go -_- at all the time.
His love = let me feel so loved.
His strictness = always make me go =(

i really dont know what to blog about now.hahahaha.this is a totally random post can.


Shit happens.

Allright. I'm not gonna post a very long post that will bored all of you off but well,this is what happened.

Yesterday, Thursday, was my training session for my up coming competition on saturday which is, TOMORROW!!yay!!!BUT

unfortunately, I've injured myself badly. Oh yeas, I've sprained my right ankle. Usually after my ankle is sprained, I am still able to set foot on the ground which is quite okay. This time, it's a disaster. Setting my foot on the ground nearly throw me off again. The pain is awfully painful and since then, I've been hopping around with one foot.

This 2 person who helped me out will not,however, read this blog of mine. I was so thankful for having these people there at that time =) one carried me out from the court and the other one was rubbing my ankle with counter pain.

How i wished my darling is there for me at that time =)

o basically this is what happened lor. Got home and kena lecture from parents with all their nonsense scolding. Watever lar,then I went and bathe. After that, dad urut for me. Went to bed,chat with darling. And played online puzzle,then sleep.

Today lerh, dad came home and fetch me go and urut my leg and gahh!!when the uncle realocate my vein.gosh!damn!I tell you it hurt like shit and I cried after that. Now my precious feet is wrapped with bandage that's filled with chinese herbs and the smell!goodness gracious.LOL. Darling is getting me his bro's crutches so I can walk instead of hopping.damn bloody tiring one okay. That's practically all that I feel like writing for today.

SHIT!mosquitos are so bitchy these days. damn you mosquitoes!!

Haagan Daaz Fondue anyone?

Anyone's up for this next month?
Let me know aight =)

1. Jon
2. Bea
3. Chels
4. crz



I'm really sorry about yesterday :/ I know that I shouldnt be like that for no relevant reason. It's so childish and immature and silly and stupid. My actions had made you sad and I apologize for that. Sometimes, I also know that I've been too much and you have to bare the consequences. Trying to avoid your replies on msn is something I regretted doing and I am truly sorry. Besides that, I know you were trying hard,so hard to make things better but I was just too stubborn to go with it and it aches my heart to know what I've done is just plain ridiculous.

I know that you are still asleep at this moment. But I want you to know that I love you. Whatever stuff that I did to you that hurt you the most, I didnt want to do it purposely one. Still, it was my naive thinking that got into me. Totolly regretted it to the max jor T_T

You are just too good to me. Trying to fix my mistakes for a million of times and I appreciate it!or even better, i'm loving it. You are the best damn thing that ever happened to me. I hearts you one lor! and i'm sorry for giving so many countless problems over and over again and you have to just deal with it because you love me.huhu T_T sorry

I know at the end of the day, you're still the one I run to, the one that I belong to, you're still the one I want, FOR LIFE.

I love you heaps!xoxo

Ladies, read this =)

okay!I would like to discuss a topic about raping in this post.

As many of you know, often, raping can be between father and daughter, stranger and a female or any type of relationship.

But did you know that, there is also a raping case that involves husband and wife?yes, it is so true. As I was watching Oprah moments ago, which topic is about husbands raping people that they love most, your wife.

When your wife says NO she doesnt want to have sexual intercourse, a husband is bound to listen to it. Basically obey to it. Even though both parties are legally married, the wife is still able to file a police report if the husband forces his own wife to have sex with him if it is against her will.

And when the wife does not give in, the husband will do all sort of things to manipulate the wife into getting in her pants. Again, if the wife still reject the husband, and he uses force to actually have sex with the wife. Ladies, this is already considered a RAPING case. Please note this!

To all the husband and men out there, you shall respect your wife no matter what. It does not meant that when she is married to you, you are able to do what ever you want on her. When your wife says NO it meant NO and you shall not go against her will. Such acts can be charged or sue.

Ladies, if you want to know more about WIFE RAPE and how does it differ from other rape victims, check out this website alrite =)

Him & Her

You say it best, when you say nothing at all =)

psssttt,dont I somehow look thinner in this picture?hehe ^^

picture's text courtesy of tz.thanks babe ^^


I guess there will be fewer readers for my tumblr because it's still so new so I guess I would just blog it out here if it's interesting. PLEASE READ MY TUMBLR LARRR t_t will still update there.hmph!

so anyways,it was because of early chat with chelsey that made my day oh-so-lovely. Seriously, I do not know why I laughed so much today.The conversation basically crack my arse so hard that I'll die or drop from the bed due to over dose of laughing and cracking.nyahahahhaha xD

hello,it's a single bed okay,not queen so of coz I can fall from it =p

On the other hand, SLUMBER-ING SESSION *basically I copy and paste from tumblr to blogger one*

Goodness. The big fat lazy arse handsome prince of mine is still in his slumber. Everyday also sleep till bout 3pm -_- no good one ahh!! People already “morning sunshine” and “morning sunflower” d and yet, my prince is still curling up in his slumber.

I guess it was the laughing gas this morning at 4am with him. Just out of sudden, I was laughing hard and it was so contagious that he laughed even louder than me.hahahha

Then we wished each other goodnight and gave kisses and mushi-mushi then KONG.

And i laughed like a cute hyena princess,like always.LOL


TO ADD ON, my beloved babe,chelsey is officially in love with MJ. too late d can?hahaha,but it's alrite, at least he's still alive through all of his songs in our very hearts =)

Especially for You

Especially for You.

Sincerely from my heart =)

I know i've gave you alot of trouble throughout the past one year. Nevertheless, you have been there for me through the ups and downs. Practically guiding me in our relationship.

I've learnt that a perfect relationship will only be perfect if there's arguments, tears, laughter, smile, sadness, and fights. Well, too of often of having these spices also not good. But, all these spices have brought us closer everytime and i'm happy. Plus, controlling too! ^^ If you are in a sweet relationship that has less of these spices, it's okay. You are normal =)

As I know, you has never gave up on me tho I failed so many times. I realized that you have been giving me so much and i'm juz receiving all the time. And even I give out, I know that it cannot be compared to yours. Now i realized that you gave me a never ending love. I love you too but at the same time, I was thinking all about myself. Bad as it may seem, I tried not to be selfish and to think for you always and yet, I failed. I want you to know that I did try, but I know that it's not my very best.
You are not alone, for I am here with you,tho you are far away, I am here to stay. -MJ

Until one day, I've got "hit" so badly and this wakes me up from my slumber. Never ever i'm making this same mistakes again. He showed and teached me what love is all about. Not all about receiving but to give as well. I was ashame with myself for what I've done. Thus, I'm changing for the better me.

And btw, thank you for calling me every night without fail to wish me goodnight and to coming down every weekend to accompany me. You have made me the happiest girl alive ^^

The most importantly, I want you to know that I truly love you. I want to give you what you have given to me =) I will be there for you and you are not alone at all.
A picture paints a thousand words.
Words are not needed as it is in the picture =)
nehhh,can see? ^^

I love you.xoxo

From bottom to surface =)


okay,i dont need to go further get the drift ^^



The MAIN dish. Abalone with mushroom and sea cumber.LMAO

AWESOME is the word to describe this dish.

with the crunchy texture of the abalone and oh-so-soft jellyish sea cucumber T_T

u jeolous not?? xD

Buddha Jump over the Wall

Not bad overall =)

So basically, last sunday,I was invited by darling's aunt from Singapore to join them for dinner.WAit,it's aint an ordinary dinner because this dinner cost Rm170 plus per head *gulps* can buy one smart phone d *we have like 10 person there*.sobs..anyways, here is what we have =)

darling,I wanna go there again.wahahaha..take me there XD woooo

On the other hand, I was forced to sing karaoke during the dinner (it was in a private room) so yea,i know i sound like a goat that is crying for milk.but mehhh,I had a great time. darling was forced to sing with me too.whahahaha..

and ohoh peeps! i will be updating my life in too!dont worry,wont be dumping this blog =)


Friday, July 31, 2009

Posted by beatrice lee at Friday, July 31, 2009
my life has been fucked upside down and inside out by my parents. damn it! fuck my bloody fucking leg.

i'm fucked. leave me alone. bye

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

you are....

Posted by beatrice lee at Wednesday, July 29, 2009
I would hug you even you dont smell good when you sweat.
I would kiss you tho your mouth taste like durian.
I will always smile when you say I love you.
You are my darling no matter what =)

okay,stomach pain now.wanna go toilet ^^

Saturday, July 25, 2009

hahahahh.laugh larrr

Posted by beatrice lee at Saturday, July 25, 2009
I dont know why but somehow i'm feeling superb uncomfortable right now. It's like I'm really really tired and I could just fall asleep for hours. My head's heavy but no, there's no headache. Stomach is making me uncomfortable as well. It's as if it is killing the walls of my stomach with asid after I took the antibiotic before meals. Well, that's why the pharmacist prescribed me. "Eat your antibiotic before meal, 2 biji 3 times a day". And now, it makes me wanna cry because it's so torturing. What a fool can! I am so gonna ignore what the pharmacist said and continue my medication after meals! gahh!!

And ohoh, my monkeys came yesterday.hahahha! my adorable friends I mean ^^ we went mamak and well, eat until that we're about to burst at anytime @@ Thanks to Jon who actually spent us all =) *aiya,should have ordered more* hahahha xD

After that hor!!! AFTER THAT!!!goodness, we just had to watch this Thai horror movie entitled Coming Soon -_-lolx. dahlah off my room light until so dark, I then screamed the hell out for numerous of time T_T but but but, these monkeys still insist then we finish watching it. Oh dear, I tell you, before I sleep, I even think about it man. Like ZOMG!!

Seriously, I couldnt ask for more friends when I've got you guys already. I cant find another better guy like my darling too! hehe..I love you monkeyssssss.xoxo!!mwah!! xD

Friday, July 24, 2009

Cradled Me

Posted by beatrice lee at Friday, July 24, 2009

Listening to the playlist in my blog, it brought me into deeper thoughts of so many things. It drowns me into a very deep blue sea. Every note that the music plays, reminded me of the feeling of being happy, sad, depressed and joy. I could imagine myself sitting on a chair and playing these songs over and over again in a very huge room. Just the piano and I. It gave me a very soothing sensation that comes with a peaceful mind. Oh m not gonna change the music in my playlist very soon. When I've had a sleepless night, these babies are the one who pushes my cradle until I fall asleep. You know, I've longed to have this kinda feeling and I'm glad that when I'm listening to these songs, I've finally found it =)

I love you darling.muacks!! xoxo

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

I'm part of Trasformers, Technically xD

Posted by beatrice lee at Tuesday, July 21, 2009
So here is what I will be wearing for another 6 weeks. Yes, it is heavy and square-ish. This, look so much like a transformer's foot. But well,mine can be taken off at anytime I want when I'm not walking around shooting bullets into someone's brain.LOL

Let me introduce you to my new boot. The Venture Air Walker that cost about RM 389 *gasp*. My parents have to buy this for me as there are no other choice. I cant be wearing the plaster or the other option which is fiberglass as I've got a superb allergy skin.So, no plaster or fiberglass! For the past one week of wearing the plaster, guess what, I've got back my rash again that produced some kinda liquid when you scratch it. When the liquid is spread or rub on any part of your body, that area will be itchy and you'll get rash on that area too.dang right?oh yes. I've gone thru once in high school but I aint wanna go thru it NOW! But basically, my skin is getting better already as I apply the skin area with yellow lotion known as iodin and some antibiotic cream with lastly, powder ^^

Inside the boot, it has one later of air bag pumped with air to hold on to the ankle.

There, this is how the whole thingy look like.
No worries, you're gonna see it with your own eyes when my semester reopen =)

Hope for a fast recovery ^^
toodles peeps

Sunday, July 19, 2009


Posted by beatrice lee at Sunday, July 19, 2009

I love Hyenas because when they do their "laughing" sound, it makes me laugh even louder. And of course, it looks weird when they "laugh" rofl. You'll see...

Hyenas live in a female dominated society and they are the most masculine females in the animal kingdom. They have very high levels of hormones that are usually found in the males. And hor, this is the best part I tell you.LOL.. many female hyenas have enlarged clitoris, to the point of looking like a penis -_-. My goodness!! The female hyena urinates, mates and gives birth through this modified clitoris (it is inverted for mating).

So guys, interested??bahahahhaha xD messing :P

Fish in your penis

Posted by beatrice lee at Sunday, July 19, 2009
Seriously people, remember this everytime okay when you head to rivers or waterfall areas, DO NOT!! I repeat DO NOT PEE in the water as our dear little friend is attracted by the urine smell and thus, crawls into your penis or vagina. It however, may insert itself to your private part and uses its mouth for feeding by sucking the blood.

eh wait wait!!for females right,i THINK we got a solution. WEAR a pad.hahahaha
for male lerh,hmmm,wear a plastic thingy where baseball players have to wear it to protect their penis one.nehh.the white colour thingy. It might help.LOL.or wear superb tight swimming trunks.

CAUTION : removal of this dear little friend is very hard and if it is not treated, you can bid farewell to your pet pet or kukubird d. *ouch*

Here's a picture of a Candiru fish aka toothpick fish, the most feared fish in rivers (only freshwater hor)

Ear Creature

Posted by beatrice lee at Sunday, July 19, 2009

People!!Have you ever heard of a creature that is dark and long and flat on both sides which crawls into your ears and lay eggs and build tunnel in your ear?? *goosebump* &&& it has two penises!! The other penis is just for incase if the other snap off.goodness gracious!!I can faint by just typing this post @@ disgusting larrrrrrrr...

Here's a picture of an EARWIG *faints*

Posted by beatrice lee at Sunday, July 19, 2009
if I wasnt selfish. IT would not had happened at all. i am sorry...

Saturday, July 18, 2009

More than that =)

Posted by beatrice lee at Saturday, July 18, 2009
I regret having this injury. Nevertheless, it has taught me so many things regarding bout life. Technically, I was giving up on the 2nd day I had the cement on. But I learnt that giving up is not gonna get me anywhere. Now, I felt so much better bout having a cemented leg despite that I feel trapped. That's all! Soon,it will recover and I will be able to walk again. As I am outside of my house,being able to see children or anyone that is able to walk and run,somehow made me feel jeolous and I've juz gotta appreciate what I've got now. Which is a pair of perfect legs!! Imagining adults and especially kids who doesnt have a pair of legs, make me feel what I am feeling on the 2nd day of cemented leg is NOTHING at all compare to these imperfect or legless people. True enough, I've gained more experieced for having my leg injured.

Besides that, I too, knew who will be there for me during my injury and who's not. When I was injured, these people came to me asking how I felt and all. That I have to put my leg this position that position to lessen the swell. Thank you tho. But after that, it's news-less. Nobody actually cares but only 1 of them. He asked me how did my ankle went in msn for so many times and you know what, I'm grateful for having such friend. Someone that I can place my trust on. Unlike others, they just care for what's happening in the present.Not future.

And as for my parents, oh well, I kena lecturing of course, until today it lasted. It's gonna continue until i'm able to walk again.gah!! On the other hand, I'm thankful too for having Brendan who help me out most of the time. Carrying my lappy for me up and down everyday. Getting me a glass of water. Keeping the clothes that I've folded. He was there for me when my ankle went kejang and massage my leg for me. He practically is my legs for now. He is such a giver and never ask anything in return. And I felt really lucky to have such brother. So in return, I never hesitate to allow him to use my lappy whenever he wants when he finished up his homework, because my mum forbid him from touching the pc as his exam is near.

Darling, has been there for me mentally throughout the 1st four days of my cemented leg. Until yesterday, he practically does everything for me when he's here to accompany me. I dont think I could ask for more than what I've got now. This injury made me realized so many things that I didnt before.

I shall sign off now.toodles everyone!and have a great saturday ^^

Friday, July 17, 2009

Paint My Love

Posted by beatrice lee at Friday, July 17, 2009

We ARE real =)
*juz look at the picture and move on to the reading ok!and dont laugh!!*

Come here, COME HERE!!I tell you hor!!open your big fat ears and listen okay!!listen hor!!!

I was actually messing with you juz now geh.Isnt it obvious?if it's not,i'm really then, A GOOD ACTRESS LARRRR ^^

I NEVER THINK THAT YOU ARE FAKE.same goes to YOUR LOVE!!like seriously,never lor.

YOU BETTER BLOODY REMEMBER THAT OKAY!! if not i'll slap you upside down and gong ur head against mine.hahahah

Forever it will be.

and I've been a good girl. I ate the bitter guard that you scooped for me today eventho I hate it.see,SO good right?? I think I should be praise lor xD blek

and hoi!!you owed me my 5 bucks wey!!gimme back or i chop off some parts of your body!!lolx..OR i'll keep bugging you for my ice-cream.wooo!!!

and darl,thanks for coming down today to take care of it!!muacksie ^^

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Day 4

Posted by beatrice lee at Thursday, July 16, 2009
Day 4 and still, *breathe in* *breath out*, alive -_+

okay,today is superb unproductive. Where else the rest is having fun and basically, their life is so happening. Afraid not!my life is too happening. Let me tell you guys what happened today.

Woke up,oooo, I've washed my hair 1st and it bloody felt so good can ^^ hmm,besides that, bathed my dog in the sink.oh yes,in the sink and I've got myself wet!

...........,basically nothing much really happened. The rest of the time I used up to watch tv or sleep.haiz,bloody pathetic.bah!

I guess Harry Potter this year would be watched at home T_T screw it,anything lar. M looking forward for 31st this month cause I is going to visit BR.woot!

All I have now is my doggie to accompany me.and he smelled good!! boy xD

To all of yea who's watching HP tonight, have fun hor!!and please, dont be a movie spoiler alrite.LOL

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Guide to survivor for cemented leg.

Posted by beatrice lee at Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Allright people!I know I've been MIA for well,few days because of some breakdown.haha!nahh,kidding.

Well,I've got a cemented leg dued to some bone fractured on my right toe because of playing sports. Basically,it's juz a fracture but it can pretty serious if you dont take care of it. The 1st doctor that I went to, have to seek another doctor to confirm what's wrong with my ankle and she bloody told me that my toe is broken. FAIL!! like seriously,BROKEN AND FRACTURE is different lar okay.omgsh!she gave me a heart attack and i juz went gaga.stupid woman.

Anyhoos, I've survived the first 3 days with my cemented leg.hopefully I can pull it off for another like 11 days wtm.shit man!crutches for one bloody month.damn it!!

Okay,let me tell how I survived these 3 days.and i'm already half dead.bah!!

I wake up in the morning everyday, I hop to the toilet and clean myself up.NOTE : I cannot bathe or else i'll wet the cement and my leg will get bloody itchy as it is already a little T_T.. I used a small hankerchief and soak it in the sink. Pour some body shampoo it in. AWW,it smells good! then, take up the hankerchief and squeeze. DO NOT squeeze until dry dry lar. later cannot clean the body one. After you wipe all parts of your body,use the same hankerchief and rinse it in a clean water then clean your whole body lor.ARGH!!damn sanfu okay! T_T nvm,then after that hor,wipe your body dry with a towel. Apply some fragrance powder on your whole body so that it smells good *smell ownself*. And TADAA!!you are clean!!plus if you wanna wash your hair, wash it in a sink.much easier and clean too!

*smell ownself again* *faints* *I smell good T_T* ^^

so yea,3 days and still counting.hopefully after 2 weeks, I dont need to wear cemented plaster. It's heavy and itchy and no signature yet.hahahahaha xD

Living like this is aint easy. It's not hard but it is surely very troublesome.Hopping around hurts my left leg alot as it is carrying my body weight. Well, at least I've learnt my lesson on what to put as my priority. Though I know this kinda accident is unpredictable but well, the cause can be avoided certainly =)

I love you darling.muaxx!!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Stick with you

Posted by beatrice lee at Monday, July 13, 2009
you said you're gonna call.I thought you're gonna call....*waiting*

i aint sleeping yet because I was waiting...

oh last,goodnight....with love =)

currently superb in love with Pussycat Dolls - stickwitu.

current mobile status - creditless.

p/s : to guest, I love you too ^^

Edit: yay!!darling called me.I IS SO HAPPY CAN :D but i was already half asleep jor.nahh,it still counts.muaxxie!and lovey u.hhehe

on the other note,shit man,i'm going for a x-ray in a few moment.dang! this is aint getting better at all. I'm seriously terrified. Hopefully it's juz a norm swell and i'll be very thankful.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

You make me wanna

Posted by beatrice lee at Sunday, July 12, 2009

cute girl, Dino & Will Ferrer in action *gasp*

His strong firmed hands wrapped around me = let me feel so secured.
His beautiful lips = makes me fall into his arms over and over again.
His smell = draws me closer to him everyday.
His laughter = makes me laugh even louder everytime.
His touch = makes me feel so warm and cosy.
His stubborn-ness = makes me go -_- at all the time.
His love = let me feel so loved.
His strictness = always make me go =(

i really dont know what to blog about now.hahahaha.this is a totally random post can.


Friday, July 10, 2009

Shit happens.

Posted by beatrice lee at Friday, July 10, 2009
Allright. I'm not gonna post a very long post that will bored all of you off but well,this is what happened.

Yesterday, Thursday, was my training session for my up coming competition on saturday which is, TOMORROW!!yay!!!BUT

unfortunately, I've injured myself badly. Oh yeas, I've sprained my right ankle. Usually after my ankle is sprained, I am still able to set foot on the ground which is quite okay. This time, it's a disaster. Setting my foot on the ground nearly throw me off again. The pain is awfully painful and since then, I've been hopping around with one foot.

This 2 person who helped me out will not,however, read this blog of mine. I was so thankful for having these people there at that time =) one carried me out from the court and the other one was rubbing my ankle with counter pain.

How i wished my darling is there for me at that time =)

o basically this is what happened lor. Got home and kena lecture from parents with all their nonsense scolding. Watever lar,then I went and bathe. After that, dad urut for me. Went to bed,chat with darling. And played online puzzle,then sleep.

Today lerh, dad came home and fetch me go and urut my leg and gahh!!when the uncle realocate my vein.gosh!damn!I tell you it hurt like shit and I cried after that. Now my precious feet is wrapped with bandage that's filled with chinese herbs and the smell!goodness gracious.LOL. Darling is getting me his bro's crutches so I can walk instead of hopping.damn bloody tiring one okay. That's practically all that I feel like writing for today.

SHIT!mosquitos are so bitchy these days. damn you mosquitoes!!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Haagan Daaz Fondue anyone?

Posted by beatrice lee at Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Anyone's up for this next month?
Let me know aight =)

1. Jon
2. Bea
3. Chels
4. crz


Posted by beatrice lee at Tuesday, July 07, 2009

I'm really sorry about yesterday :/ I know that I shouldnt be like that for no relevant reason. It's so childish and immature and silly and stupid. My actions had made you sad and I apologize for that. Sometimes, I also know that I've been too much and you have to bare the consequences. Trying to avoid your replies on msn is something I regretted doing and I am truly sorry. Besides that, I know you were trying hard,so hard to make things better but I was just too stubborn to go with it and it aches my heart to know what I've done is just plain ridiculous.

I know that you are still asleep at this moment. But I want you to know that I love you. Whatever stuff that I did to you that hurt you the most, I didnt want to do it purposely one. Still, it was my naive thinking that got into me. Totolly regretted it to the max jor T_T

You are just too good to me. Trying to fix my mistakes for a million of times and I appreciate it!or even better, i'm loving it. You are the best damn thing that ever happened to me. I hearts you one lor! and i'm sorry for giving so many countless problems over and over again and you have to just deal with it because you love me.huhu T_T sorry

I know at the end of the day, you're still the one I run to, the one that I belong to, you're still the one I want, FOR LIFE.

I love you heaps!xoxo

Monday, July 6, 2009

Ladies, read this =)

Posted by beatrice lee at Monday, July 06, 2009
okay!I would like to discuss a topic about raping in this post.

As many of you know, often, raping can be between father and daughter, stranger and a female or any type of relationship.

But did you know that, there is also a raping case that involves husband and wife?yes, it is so true. As I was watching Oprah moments ago, which topic is about husbands raping people that they love most, your wife.

When your wife says NO she doesnt want to have sexual intercourse, a husband is bound to listen to it. Basically obey to it. Even though both parties are legally married, the wife is still able to file a police report if the husband forces his own wife to have sex with him if it is against her will.

And when the wife does not give in, the husband will do all sort of things to manipulate the wife into getting in her pants. Again, if the wife still reject the husband, and he uses force to actually have sex with the wife. Ladies, this is already considered a RAPING case. Please note this!

To all the husband and men out there, you shall respect your wife no matter what. It does not meant that when she is married to you, you are able to do what ever you want on her. When your wife says NO it meant NO and you shall not go against her will. Such acts can be charged or sue.

Ladies, if you want to know more about WIFE RAPE and how does it differ from other rape victims, check out this website alrite =)

Him & Her

Posted by beatrice lee at Monday, July 06, 2009

You say it best, when you say nothing at all =)

psssttt,dont I somehow look thinner in this picture?hehe ^^

picture's text courtesy of tz.thanks babe ^^

Friday, July 3, 2009


Posted by beatrice lee at Friday, July 03, 2009
I guess there will be fewer readers for my tumblr because it's still so new so I guess I would just blog it out here if it's interesting. PLEASE READ MY TUMBLR LARRR t_t will still update there.hmph!

so anyways,it was because of early chat with chelsey that made my day oh-so-lovely. Seriously, I do not know why I laughed so much today.The conversation basically crack my arse so hard that I'll die or drop from the bed due to over dose of laughing and cracking.nyahahahhaha xD

hello,it's a single bed okay,not queen so of coz I can fall from it =p

On the other hand, SLUMBER-ING SESSION *basically I copy and paste from tumblr to blogger one*

Goodness. The big fat lazy arse handsome prince of mine is still in his slumber. Everyday also sleep till bout 3pm -_- no good one ahh!! People already “morning sunshine” and “morning sunflower” d and yet, my prince is still curling up in his slumber.

I guess it was the laughing gas this morning at 4am with him. Just out of sudden, I was laughing hard and it was so contagious that he laughed even louder than me.hahahha

Then we wished each other goodnight and gave kisses and mushi-mushi then KONG.

And i laughed like a cute hyena princess,like always.LOL


TO ADD ON, my beloved babe,chelsey is officially in love with MJ. too late d can?hahaha,but it's alrite, at least he's still alive through all of his songs in our very hearts =)

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Especially for You

Posted by beatrice lee at Thursday, July 02, 2009

Especially for You.

Sincerely from my heart =)

I know i've gave you alot of trouble throughout the past one year. Nevertheless, you have been there for me through the ups and downs. Practically guiding me in our relationship.

I've learnt that a perfect relationship will only be perfect if there's arguments, tears, laughter, smile, sadness, and fights. Well, too of often of having these spices also not good. But, all these spices have brought us closer everytime and i'm happy. Plus, controlling too! ^^ If you are in a sweet relationship that has less of these spices, it's okay. You are normal =)

As I know, you has never gave up on me tho I failed so many times. I realized that you have been giving me so much and i'm juz receiving all the time. And even I give out, I know that it cannot be compared to yours. Now i realized that you gave me a never ending love. I love you too but at the same time, I was thinking all about myself. Bad as it may seem, I tried not to be selfish and to think for you always and yet, I failed. I want you to know that I did try, but I know that it's not my very best.
You are not alone, for I am here with you,tho you are far away, I am here to stay. -MJ

Until one day, I've got "hit" so badly and this wakes me up from my slumber. Never ever i'm making this same mistakes again. He showed and teached me what love is all about. Not all about receiving but to give as well. I was ashame with myself for what I've done. Thus, I'm changing for the better me.

And btw, thank you for calling me every night without fail to wish me goodnight and to coming down every weekend to accompany me. You have made me the happiest girl alive ^^

The most importantly, I want you to know that I truly love you. I want to give you what you have given to me =) I will be there for you and you are not alone at all.
A picture paints a thousand words.
Words are not needed as it is in the picture =)
nehhh,can see? ^^

I love you.xoxo

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

From bottom to surface =)

Posted by beatrice lee at Wednesday, July 01, 2009


okay,i dont need to go further get the drift ^^



The MAIN dish. Abalone with mushroom and sea cumber.LMAO

AWESOME is the word to describe this dish.

with the crunchy texture of the abalone and oh-so-soft jellyish sea cucumber T_T

u jeolous not?? xD

Buddha Jump over the Wall

Not bad overall =)

So basically, last sunday,I was invited by darling's aunt from Singapore to join them for dinner.WAit,it's aint an ordinary dinner because this dinner cost Rm170 plus per head *gulps* can buy one smart phone d *we have like 10 person there*.sobs..anyways, here is what we have =)

darling,I wanna go there again.wahahaha..take me there XD woooo

On the other hand, I was forced to sing karaoke during the dinner (it was in a private room) so yea,i know i sound like a goat that is crying for milk.but mehhh,I had a great time. darling was forced to sing with me too.whahahaha..

and ohoh peeps! i will be updating my life in too!dont worry,wont be dumping this blog =)