I know i've gave you alot of trouble throughout the past one year. Nevertheless, you have been there for me through the ups and downs. Practically guiding me in our relationship.
I've learnt that a perfect relationship will only be perfect if there's arguments, tears, laughter, smile, sadness, and fights. Well, too of often of having these spices also not good. But, all these spices have brought us closer everytime and i'm happy. Plus, controlling too! ^^ If you are in a sweet relationship that has less of these spices, it's okay. You are normal =)
As I know, you has never gave up on me tho I failed so many times. I realized that you have been giving me so much and i'm juz receiving all the time. And even I give out, I know that it cannot be compared to yours. Now i realized that you gave me a never ending love. I love you too but at the same time, I was thinking all about myself. Bad as it may seem, I tried not to be selfish and to think for you always and yet, I failed. I want you to know that I did try, but I know that it's not my very best.
You are not alone, for I am here with you,tho you are far away, I am here to stay. -MJUntil one day, I've got "hit" so badly and this wakes me up from my slumber. Never ever i'm making this same mistakes again. He showed and teached me what love is all about. Not all about receiving but to give as well. I was ashame with myself for what I've done. Thus, I'm changing for the better me.
And btw, thank you for calling me every night without fail to wish me goodnight and to coming down every weekend to accompany me. You have made me the happiest girl alive ^^