So here is what I will be wearing for another 6 weeks. Yes, it is heavy and square-ish. This, look so much like a transformer's foot. But well,mine can be taken off at anytime I want when I'm not walking around shooting bullets into someone's brain.LOL
Let me introduce you to my new boot. The Venture Air Walker that cost about RM 389 *gasp*. My parents have to buy this for me as there are no other choice. I cant be wearing the plaster or the other option which is fiberglass as I've got a superb allergy skin.So, no plaster or fiberglass! For the past one week of wearing the plaster, guess what, I've got back my rash again that produced some kinda liquid when you scratch it. When the liquid is spread or rub on any part of your body, that area will be itchy and you'll get rash on that area too.dang right?oh yes. I've gone thru once in high school but I aint wanna go thru it NOW! But basically, my skin is getting better already as I apply the skin area with yellow lotion known as iodin and some antibiotic cream with lastly, powder ^^
Let me introduce you to my new boot. The Venture Air Walker that cost about RM 389 *gasp*. My parents have to buy this for me as there are no other choice. I cant be wearing the plaster or the other option which is fiberglass as I've got a superb allergy skin.So, no plaster or fiberglass! For the past one week of wearing the plaster, guess what, I've got back my rash again that produced some kinda liquid when you scratch it. When the liquid is spread or rub on any part of your body, that area will be itchy and you'll get rash on that area too.dang right?oh yes. I've gone thru once in high school but I aint wanna go thru it NOW! But basically, my skin is getting better already as I apply the skin area with yellow lotion known as iodin and some antibiotic cream with lastly, powder ^^