oh yesyes,yesterday,HE came down to my place,it's been awhile =]
after teaching me accounting,off we headed to aeon to catch Tropic Thunder xD
*ouch,my foot hurts.blame that stupid pair of shows.kena blister jor larr*
ok,back to topic..LOL.
Tropic Thunder was not bad.it's just that i couldnt laugh HARD.
u know,i would really like to laugh so hard until my stomach cramp and i'll be sitting on the floor and if ur lucky,u can find me rolling on the floor as well.lmao
the last hard laughter happens on friday at sunway's Mcd which is couple of days ago.that was a hit man xD
me so happy..wahahha.
so later in the evening,all of us attended a party at mum's best friend place.
to cut short the story,all the food that night was superb.u know why?
coz it was cooked by a chef.not a normal ones,but hotel wan lerh..hehe
esp the cheescakes and all of the other types of cake,it was so yummy!!too bad no pic lorr..busy feeding my mouth and stomach XD
pls spot the retarded human.

we can really eat alot.i mean seriously ALOT xD
went to church,came back,do housework,ate bkt,then went to aeon again.this time,i bought myself a pair of ladies shoe/slippers or whatever you wanna call it lar..lolx.ok,here's the picture of it.&&& it's YELLOW!! =]
m loving it =]