Moment like this

Looking back at those tiny little things that you've gotten for makes me reminisced of what great moment i had when i'm with you. eventhough these tiny weeney little stuff that might be nothing and unworthg for others, it meant everything to me. All those experienced i've gone through makes me feel so loved and i could not ask for more than that.

Some people wait for a life time for a moment like this,
some people search forever for one special kiss,
i cant believe it's happening to me,
some people wait for a life time for a moment like this.

i cherished every moment we had together and i dont think i can ever let it go.days might passed,years too, but those memories are so deeply planted into this tiny brain of mine, that it can never be erased eternally.unless i got memory lost lar,diff case then.

I'll be waiting for the day to come.m holding on to the promises and plans that we've made, the promises that u've made to me. we will make it through =)

Do you remembered when we're in KL? u were holding my hand like i'm a baby girl. you leaded find food for me to makan. *damn,m hungry jor,feel like eating petaling street's laksa and kon lo mee.lolx* back to story, you too brought me to places that i wanted to go.i felt so secure when m with you.there's no need to worry about getting lost or anything because i've got you there for me whenever i need you. I can roam to any part of the world with you and i wont be worrying because you can find food and shelter for me.i love you lots and i miss your hugs every seconds of everyday u know ^^

Can we have McFlurry the next time we meet?which is TOMORROW!! xd


Thursday, April 9, 2009

Moment like this

Posted by beatrice lee at Thursday, April 09, 2009
Looking back at those tiny little things that you've gotten for makes me reminisced of what great moment i had when i'm with you. eventhough these tiny weeney little stuff that might be nothing and unworthg for others, it meant everything to me. All those experienced i've gone through makes me feel so loved and i could not ask for more than that.

Some people wait for a life time for a moment like this,
some people search forever for one special kiss,
i cant believe it's happening to me,
some people wait for a life time for a moment like this.

i cherished every moment we had together and i dont think i can ever let it go.days might passed,years too, but those memories are so deeply planted into this tiny brain of mine, that it can never be erased eternally.unless i got memory lost lar,diff case then.

I'll be waiting for the day to come.m holding on to the promises and plans that we've made, the promises that u've made to me. we will make it through =)

Do you remembered when we're in KL? u were holding my hand like i'm a baby girl. you leaded find food for me to makan. *damn,m hungry jor,feel like eating petaling street's laksa and kon lo mee.lolx* back to story, you too brought me to places that i wanted to go.i felt so secure when m with you.there's no need to worry about getting lost or anything because i've got you there for me whenever i need you. I can roam to any part of the world with you and i wont be worrying because you can find food and shelter for me.i love you lots and i miss your hugs every seconds of everyday u know ^^

Can we have McFlurry the next time we meet?which is TOMORROW!! xd
