Stick with you

you said you're gonna call.I thought you're gonna call....*waiting*

i aint sleeping yet because I was waiting...

oh last,goodnight....with love =)

currently superb in love with Pussycat Dolls - stickwitu.

current mobile status - creditless.

p/s : to guest, I love you too ^^

Edit: yay!!darling called me.I IS SO HAPPY CAN :D but i was already half asleep jor.nahh,it still counts.muaxxie!and lovey u.hhehe

on the other note,shit man,i'm going for a x-ray in a few moment.dang! this is aint getting better at all. I'm seriously terrified. Hopefully it's juz a norm swell and i'll be very thankful.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Stick with you

Posted by beatrice lee at Monday, July 13, 2009
you said you're gonna call.I thought you're gonna call....*waiting*

i aint sleeping yet because I was waiting...

oh last,goodnight....with love =)

currently superb in love with Pussycat Dolls - stickwitu.

current mobile status - creditless.

p/s : to guest, I love you too ^^

Edit: yay!!darling called me.I IS SO HAPPY CAN :D but i was already half asleep jor.nahh,it still counts.muaxxie!and lovey u.hhehe

on the other note,shit man,i'm going for a x-ray in a few moment.dang! this is aint getting better at all. I'm seriously terrified. Hopefully it's juz a norm swell and i'll be very thankful.