pssstt, the anime I'm currently watching is Clannad.geng!
the pictures that I wanted to post up are the ones that baby and I were wearing mask while camwhoring together at a clinic T_T so romantic ok!sigh..wasted sial. And the pictures of the accident also accidently deleted off jor wtm.cis!
haiz..forget it le ba.cannot get it back d.double sigh.stupid clumsy finger go and press the "delete" button.
I know I've not been updating my blog often. Not many people reading it also i guess.bah! These few days, darling is not feeling well. Same goes to me. Mummy said the reason why I was feeling tired and have got a sudden massive headache while I AM ASLEEP is because I was too stress about alot of things. One of them is darling. I've been worrying if his sickness got worst and we have to go for H1N1 test T_T it's scary alrite.aint no fun at all. I feel like a mother slash wife already -_-''' he must be liking it.hahahaha ^^ and besides that, I've been also stressing out on uni stuff. sigh, 3rd week itself already full with deadlines and shits.
My all time favourite and preferred brand, the name is there lar.see for yourself :D
and it's VINTAGE!!!!wooottttt!!!
*brand like Polo is way better than F21*
p/s : i HATE thiefs ALOT!!dang!